Stuck in the Streamlit Swamp: Solving the “Not Able to Keep Chart in Streamlit Chatbot using LLM” Conundrum
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Stuck in the Streamlit Swamp: Solving the “Not Able to Keep Chart in Streamlit Chatbot using LLM” Conundrum

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Are you frustrated with your Streamlit chatbot refusing to display charts using LLM (Large Language Models)? You’re not alone! Many developers have stumbled upon this issue, only to find themselves lost in a sea of confusing documentation and unclear tutorials. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to conquer this beast and get those charts shining like diamonds in your Streamlit chatbot!

Understanding the Problem

  • The chart doesn’t render at all, leaving a blank space.
  • The chart appears for a split second before disappearing.
  • The chart is displayed, but it’s not interactive or responsive.
  • You receive an error message, such as “Matplotlib is not supported in this environment” or ” Unable to display chart.”

These issues arise due to the way Streamlit and LLM interact. By default, Streamlit is designed for rapid prototyping and visualization, whereas LLM is geared towards language processing. The resulting mismatch can lead to chart rendering issues.

Solving the Problem

Step 1: Import the necessary libraries

import streamlit as st
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from transformers import pipeline, set_seed

Step 2: Load your LLM model and dataset

model_name = "bert-base-uncased"
model = pipeline('sentiment-analysis', model=model_name, tokenizer=model_name)

df = pd.read_csv('your_dataset.csv')

Step 3: Create a function to generate the chart

def generate_chart(df):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

Step 4: Use the function in your Streamlit chatbot

st.title("Streamlit Chatbot with Chart")
st.write("Enter your message:")

user_input = st.text_input("")

if user_input:
    output = model(user_input)
    df = pd.DataFrame(output)

Step 5: Run your Streamlit app

streamlit run

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Issue: Chart not rendering due to Matplotlib version

Issue: Chart disappearing or not interactive

Issue: Error messages or warnings


Tips and Variations
Experiment with different chart types, such as bar charts, scatter plots, or histograms, to find the best visualization for your data.
Use Streamlit’s built-in caching mechanism to improve performance and reduce computation time.
Integrate your chatbot with other tools, like databases or APIs, to fetch real-time data and make your charts more dynamic.

Happy coding, and may your charts shine brightly in your Streamlit chatbot!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common questions about not being able to keep charts in Streamlit chatbot using LLM.

Why can’t I keep charts in my Streamlit chatbot using LLM?

This might be due to the way Streamlit handles widgets and charts. Charts are not persisted across re-runs of the app, which can cause them to disappear. To overcome this, you can use the `st.session_state` to store the chart data and re-create the chart on each re-run.

How can I store chart data using `st.session_state`?

You can store chart data as a dictionary or a pandas DataFrame in `st.session_state`. For example, `st.session_state.chart_data = {‘x’: [1, 2, 3], ‘y’: [10, 20, 30]}`. Then, on each re-run, you can access the stored data and re-create the chart using the stored data.

Can I use caching to keep charts in my Streamlit app?

Yes, caching can be a good solution to keep charts in your Streamlit app. You can use Streamlit’s built-in caching mechanism, such as `@st.cache`, to store the chart data and re-create the chart on each re-run. However, make sure to understand the caching limitations and expiration policies to avoid unnecessary re-computations.

Will using `st.session_state` or caching affect my app’s performance?

It depends on the size of your chart data and the complexity of your app. Storing large amounts of data in `st.session_state` or caching can lead to increased memory usage and slower performance. Make sure to monitor your app’s performance and adjust your approach accordingly.

Are there any other alternatives to keeping charts in my Streamlit app?

Yes, you can explore other alternatives, such as using a database to store chart data or using a separate charting library that supports persistent charts. Additionally, you can also consider using Streamlit’s built-in support for HTML and iframe to embed external charts or dashboards.

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