The Mysterious Case of “fit-content” Not Working on ::before Element
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The Mysterious Case of “fit-content” Not Working on ::before Element

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Have you ever tried to use the “fit-content” value on the ::before pseudo-element, only to find that it doesn’t work as expected? You’re not alone! Many developers have stumbled upon this issue, and today, we’re going to dive into the reasons behind this phenomenon and explore ways to overcome it.

What is the ::before pseudo-element?

The ::before pseudo-element is a part of CSS that allows us to add content before an element in the document tree. It’s often used to add decorative elements, icons, or even create complex layouts. The syntax is simple: you target the element you want to add content before, and then use the ::before pseudo-element to define the content and styles.

element::before {
  content: "";
  /* styles here */

What is “fit-content”?

“Fit-content” is a value that can be used for the width or height properties of an element. It instructs the element to take up the space of its content, rather than a fixed width or height. This can be useful when working with dynamic content or when you want an element to adapt to its surroundings.

element {
  width: fit-content;
  /* or */
  height: fit-content;

The Problem: “fit-content” Doesn’t Work on ::before Element

So, what happens when you try to use “fit-content” on the ::before pseudo-element? Nothing. Zip. Zilch. The value is simply ignored, and the pseudo-element takes up the full width or height of its parent element. This can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to create a responsive design.

But why does this happen? The reason lies in the way browsers handle pseudo-elements. Pseudo-elements are not part of the document tree, which means they don’t have a direct relationship with the content of the element they’re attached to. As a result, the browser can’t determine the content size of the pseudo-element, and “fit-content” becomes useless.

Solutions to the Problem

Don’t worry, there are ways to overcome this limitation! Here are a few solutions to get you started:

1. Use flexbox

One approach is to use flexbox to create a flexible container for your pseudo-element. By setting the display property to “flex” and using the flex-grow property, you can make the pseudo-element take up the available space.

element::before {
  display: flex;
  flex-grow: 1;
  content: "";
  /* styles here */

2. Use grid

Another solution is to use CSS grid to create a grid container for your pseudo-element. By setting the grid-template-columns property to “auto”, you can make the pseudo-element take up the available space.

element::before {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: auto;
  content: "";
  /* styles here */

3. Use inline-block

A simpler approach is to set the display property to “inline-block” and use the width property to set the width of the pseudo-element to “auto”. This will make the pseudo-element take up the space of its content.

element::before {
  display: inline-block;
  width: auto;
  content: "";
  /* styles here */

4. Use a wrapper element

If all else fails, you can create a wrapper element around your pseudo-element and set the “fit-content” value on the wrapper element instead. This will make the wrapper element take up the space of its content, including the pseudo-element.

<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="before"></div>

.wrapper {
  width: fit-content;

.before {
  content: "";
  /* styles here */


In conclusion, while “fit-content” doesn’t work on the ::before pseudo-element, there are ways to achieve the desired effect using flexbox, grid, inline-block, or a wrapper element. By understanding the limitations of pseudo-elements and using the right techniques, you can create responsive and adaptive designs that work as intended.

Solution Description
Flexbox Use display: flex and flex-grow: 1 to create a flexible container.
Grid Use display: grid and grid-template-columns: auto to create a grid container.
Inline-block Use display: inline-block and width: auto to make the pseudo-element take up the space of its content.
Wrapper element Create a wrapper element around the pseudo-element and set the “fit-content” value on the wrapper element.

Remember, when working with pseudo-elements, it’s essential to understand their limitations and use the right techniques to achieve the desired effect. With a little creativity and experimentation, you can overcome the hurdles and create stunning designs that impress!


  • Why doesn’t “fit-content” work on the ::before pseudo-element?

    “Fit-content” doesn’t work on the ::before pseudo-element because pseudo-elements are not part of the document tree, and the browser can’t determine the content size of the pseudo-element.

  • What is the best solution to the problem?

    The best solution depends on the specific use case and requirements. Flexbox, grid, and inline-block are all viable options, and the wrapper element approach can be used as a last resort.

  • Can I use “fit-content” on the ::after pseudo-element?

    Yes, the same limitations apply to the ::after pseudo-element. “Fit-content” will not work on the ::after pseudo-element, and you’ll need to use one of the workarounds mentioned above.

Now that you know the secrets of “fit-content” on the ::before pseudo-element, go forth and create amazing designs that defy the limitations of pseudo-elements!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common questions about “fit-content doesn’t work on ::before element” and discover the workaround to this pesky problem!

Why doesn’t “fit-content” work on ::before elements?

“Fit-content” is a value that can be applied to the width or height of an element, but it doesn’t work on ::before pseudo-elements because they are not considered “real” elements. Instead, they are stylistic additions to an existing element, which means they don’t have their own width or height properties to manipulate.

Is there a workaround to make “fit-content” work on ::before elements?

Yes, you can achieve a similar effect by applying “fit-content” to the parent element and then using flexbox or grid to make the ::before pseudo-element take up the available space. This way, you can indirectly control the size of the ::before element while still using the “fit-content” value.

Can I use “inline-block” instead of “fit-content” to make the ::before element fit its content?

Yes, you can use “display: inline-block” on the ::before pseudo-element to make it fit its content. However, keep in mind that this will have different implications for the layout and may not produce the exact same result as using “fit-content” on a regular element.

Why does “fit-content” work on ::after elements in some cases?

While “fit-content” doesn’t work on ::before elements, it might seem to work on ::after elements in certain situations. This is because the ::after pseudo-element is usually used to add content after an element’s main content, and if that content has a fixed width, the ::after element will automatically take up that width. However, this is not the same as the “fit-content” value being applied directly to the ::after element.

Can I use JavaScript to set the width of a ::before element to “fit-content”?

No, you can’t directly set the width of a ::before element to “fit-content” using JavaScript, because pseudo-elements don’t have their own width or height properties. However, you can use JavaScript to calculate the width of the content and then set the width of the ::before element accordingly. This would require getting the offsetWidth of the content and then setting the width of the ::before element to that value using JavaScript.

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